Guest Book

  1. Wes says:

    Very Nice page OM. CUAGN

  2. Ernie Appel says:

    Nice page Steve. Now, back to searching QRZ, Ebay & Craigslist. (-:

  3. Chris says:

    Hello my friend!

    Tnx a lot for QSO-ing with our DX-pedition with the special callsign E711AMRS in Prijedor Bosnia Herzegovina (BIH). Your sig was very strong there.
    Now, we made a video from our DX-pedition and you can vote and comment it on youtube.

    Enjoy it

    vy 73 es gd dx de Christian OE5HCE ex. E7/OE5HCE and ex. E711AMRS

  4. Dave says:

    Thanks for the cool logbook page

  5. Hello Steve,

    Today visited your web site and…
    I was speechless with great surprise,
    for BEAUTY by simplicity of your web site!
    Congratulations, indeed.

    Taking the opportunity, I dare to ask question.
    I found amazing feature on your web page:
    very precise QTH locator.
    Would it be possible to include the same
    on my web site, please?

    Best regards.

    Tomasz Stankiewicz
    Skrytka Pocztowa 140
    81-969 Gdynia
    P O L A N D
    mobile: +48693643511

  6. jon shannon says:

    tryied to get you on psk31 no luck to close e mail what freq you run localy or on simplex


  7. jon shannon says:

    i didn’t know anyone active was into ham radio around this area
    tryed to get on psk31 fri 23:35 no luck to close 73’s


  8. Lani Dzicek says:

    Great Site!

  9. EDMAR says:

    Boa Amigos,

    estou navegando pelo site e achei muito interessante, principalmente na questão do grid locator
    com a régua de distancia com graus e do mapa de propagação.
    Fico feliz por nos favorecer com estas informações valiosas.
    Edmar B.Bergamini

  10. Ivan says:

    I stumbled on your site to solve my Maidenhead locator and after I looked everything with much interest.
    Bravo! Great site.
    73 dear friend OM. See you soon in the air….

  11. Al says:

    I like website
    Useful information.
    If you like you can use information from our website for your readers.
    We have also DX Calendar

  12. Bobo Chimp says:


    Many useful site ! Thank you putting log in nearby. Get on radio now silly.

  13. Norbert says:

    nice greetings from Italy
    73’s de IW2LAO-13

  14. William Bun says:

    Bravo!! Great Site and useful
    73 de YB0BUW

  15. Jorge Arueira says:


  16. Osvaldo Gomes Terra Junior says:

    bom dia

  17. Damiano says:

    Thanks for a good QTH calculator

  18. parabens pelo site ,muito bom

  19. Tim ORourke says:

    Is there a way to use the Grid map off line when no internet is available?

  20. Rich says:

    Hi Steve
    Thanks for your very useful Grid Square locator site.
    73 Rich @ ThE RaDiO RaNcH

  21. Phil says:

    Sweet locator map!
    Many thanks & 73

  22. Anatol says:

    om plees qsl

  23. Ken Hartzler says:

    Hey Steve
    Saw the mention in QST about your grid locator system, and realized that I knew that call sign and fellow ham, and former co-worker. To jog your memory, I retired 8 1/2 years ago from Motorola.

  24. Mads says:

    Greetings from Denmark.
    Found your QTH locator via, which by the way is the worlds oldest (ham supported) beacon. It is more than 65 years old. Not the gear, but as a beacon 😉