Guest Book

  1. Wes says:

    Very Nice page OM. CUAGN

  2. Ernie Appel says:

    Nice page Steve. Now, back to searching QRZ, Ebay & Craigslist. (-:

  3. Chris says:

    Hello my friend!

    Tnx a lot for QSO-ing with our DX-pedition with the special callsign E711AMRS in Prijedor Bosnia Herzegovina (BIH). Your sig was very strong there.
    Now, we made a video from our DX-pedition and you can vote and comment it on youtube.

    Enjoy it

    vy 73 es gd dx de Christian OE5HCE ex. E7/OE5HCE and ex. E711AMRS

  4. Dave says:

    Thanks for the cool logbook page

  5. Hello Steve,

    Today visited your web site and…
    I was speechless with great surprise,
    for BEAUTY by simplicity of your web site!
    Congratulations, indeed.

    Taking the opportunity, I dare to ask question.
    I found amazing feature on your web page:
    very precise QTH locator.
    Would it be possible to include the same
    on my web site, please?

    Best regards.

    Tomasz Stankiewicz
    Skrytka Pocztowa 140
    81-969 Gdynia
    P O L A N D
    mobile: +48693643511

  6. jon shannon says:

    tryied to get you on psk31 no luck to close e mail what freq you run localy or on simplex


  7. jon shannon says:

    i didn’t know anyone active was into ham radio around this area
    tryed to get on psk31 fri 23:35 no luck to close 73’s


  8. Lani Dzicek says:

    Great Site!

  9. EDMAR says:

    Boa Amigos,

    estou navegando pelo site e achei muito interessante, principalmente na questão do grid locator
    com a régua de distancia com graus e do mapa de propagação.
    Fico feliz por nos favorecer com estas informações valiosas.
    Edmar B.Bergamini

  10. Ivan says:

    I stumbled on your site to solve my Maidenhead locator and after I looked everything with much interest.
    Bravo! Great site.
    73 dear friend OM. See you soon in the air….

  11. Al says:

    I like website
    Useful information.
    If you like you can use information from our website for your readers.
    We have also DX Calendar

  12. Bobo Chimp says:


    Many useful site ! Thank you putting log in nearby. Get on radio now silly.

  13. Norbert says:

    nice greetings from Italy
    73’s de IW2LAO-13

  14. William Bun says:

    Bravo!! Great Site and useful
    73 de YB0BUW

  15. Jorge Arueira says:


  16. Osvaldo Gomes Terra Junior says:

    bom dia

  17. Damiano says:

    Thanks for a good QTH calculator

  18. parabens pelo site ,muito bom

  19. Tim ORourke says:

    Is there a way to use the Grid map off line when no internet is available?

  20. Rich says:

    Hi Steve
    Thanks for your very useful Grid Square locator site.
    73 Rich @ ThE RaDiO RaNcH

  21. Phil says:

    Sweet locator map!
    Many thanks & 73

  22. Anatol says:

    om plees qsl

  23. Ken Hartzler says:

    Hey Steve
    Saw the mention in QST about your grid locator system, and realized that I knew that call sign and fellow ham, and former co-worker. To jog your memory, I retired 8 1/2 years ago from Motorola.